Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a chronic disorder affecting the digestive tract. It can often be managed through lifestyle changes and medications.

What is IBS (irritable bowel syndrome)?

IBS, or irritable bowel syndrome, is a chronic condition that affects the digestive system. It causes a variety of uncomfortable symptoms, such as stomach pain, bloating, and changes in bowel movements. These symptoms can be triggered by certain foods, stress, or other factors in a person’s life. Managing IBS requires ongoing care and treatment. At The Gut Clinic UK, our doctors specialize in treating IBS and helping patients find relief from their symptoms. If you need assistance with IBS, please reach out to one of our specialists at a location near you.

What are the symptoms of IBS?

The symptoms of IBS can vary from person to person, depending on how your body reacts to certain foods or stress. Some common symptoms include:

– Stomach pain
– Cramps
– Feeling bloated
– Diarrhoea (loose stools)
– Excess gas
– Constipation (difficulty passing stools)
– Seeing mucus in your stool
– Trouble sleeping
– Feeling nauseous

If you notice blood in your stool, unexplained vomiting, or persistent stomach pain that spreads to your back, it’s important to contact your doctor. These severe symptoms could be a sign of a more serious condition like colon cancer. If you have a combination of the above symptoms, reach out to a specialist at a location near you for help.

What causes irritable bowel syndrome?

In simpler terms, IBS is sometimes called “the brain-gut disorder.” This is because the brain controls and regulates how our digestive system works. In people with IBS, there seems to be a problem with this regulation, which causes the digestive system to act differently.

We don’t know the exact cause of IBS yet. Our intestines have layers of muscles that contract and relax to move food from the stomach to the rectum. People with IBS have an issue with how the brain, the autonomic nervous system, and the gut muscles interact, causing the muscles to move too much or too little.

The main things that can trigger IBS symptoms are:

– Stress
– Foods high in fat
– Spicy foods
– Alcoholic drinks
– Drinks with caffeine
– Infections
– Hormones (Women are more likely to have IBS, and symptoms can be worse around their menstrual periods.)

How is IBS treated?

Consulting with a GI Alliance gastrointestinal specialist can help you figure out the best ways to treat irritable bowel syndrome. There are some changes you can make in your lifestyle that can help prevent and manage the symptoms of IBS, making your life better.

Here are some of those changes:

– Drink enough water to stay hydrated.
– Exercise regularly.
– Eat foods that are high in fiber.
– Avoid foods that trigger your symptoms.
– Get plenty of sleep.

Medications can also help relieve symptoms and address the underlying issues related to IBS. Some medications used for IBS treatment include:
Medications that reduce muscle contractions in the gut.

– Laxatives to help with bowel movements.
– Supplements with fiber to improve digestion.
– Medications that control diarrhoea.
– Antidepressants to manage symptoms.
– Medications to manage pain.
– Medications to relieve nausea.

Researchers are always conducting clinical trials and doing research to find better solutions and treatments for IBS. It’s a good idea to keep a diary of your symptoms, what you eat, and how stressed you feel. This can help you understand what triggers your symptoms.


Find a specialist for your gut problem.

The Gut Clinic UK is a one of largest physician-led platform renowned for its exceptional Gut specialists in the United Kingdom. We take pride in our rigorous selection process for specialists, ensuring that only the most qualified and experienced professionals join our platform.

Our specialists actively engage with patients, providing them with clear explanations, answering their questions, and involving them in the decision-making process.